What is “Back Translation” and Do You Need It?

Now amid the digital age, the need for generating enormous volumes of content has exploded. From marketing materials to website localization, blogs, white papers, news & research articles, manuals, and so much more, many organizations and businesses (and consumers) are struggling to keep up with the seemingly insatiable demand for new and engaging content. Moreover, […]

Improving Your Source Content for Better Translations

Your marketing team has been working tirelessly on developing catchy and alluring content over the last several months for your imminent global marketing plan. Now, one of the final steps is translating all of that content, perhaps into Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, or even Swahili. When it comes to translating your marketing content, you expect that […]

Debunking the Most Common Translation Myths

Translation, interpretation, and localization services have become one of the most important industries in the global marketplace. What was once considered to be a small, niche industry is now valued at close to $50 billion worldwide and serves as one of the key driving forces of global economic integration. However, despite the industry’s importance, it […]

What is a “Certified” Translation?

A frequent point of confusion for many translation clients relates to “certified” translations. In the translation industry, the word “certified” can refer to different things. For example, a “certification” can be a document attached to a translation for use in a legal proceeding, or a translator or interpreter themselves possessing some form of “certification” that […]

Illusions of Translation Quality

Many of you have wondered how you can know if a translation is any good. It’s a common question. After all, if you spoke both languages involved, in many cases you wouldn’t even need the translation. We’ve touched on this topic ourselves, and thought you might enjoy reading Ten Common Myths About Translation Quality That Might […]

Managing Internal Review of Translation

You’ve contacted a company to translate a document for you, worked with them to define exactly what you need, and received the completed translation. What’s next? Can you feel confident publishing it? Many people in your shoes would feel better if someone else reviewed the document first, someone in their organization. This process is known […]

Measuring Translation Quality

Without knowing both languages, and knowing them well, it’s nearly impossible for you to determine how good a translation is. I’ve had this problem myself when looking at documents in Chinese. While I do speak some Chinese, reading and writing is something I’m still working on. When I see something translated into Chinese, I can […]