Health Information and Medical Translations in Many Languages

Health education specialists from four health systems in Ohio have made a website which provides plain-language health education resources for health care professionals and others working in communities with limited English proficient populations. Do you need a medical translation?  Affordable Language Services offers translation in over 200 languages!

Business Translation Blunders: The Trouble with Acronyms

We’ve all heard the horror stories about poorly researched business translation. Exxon, for instance, was appalled to learn that its brand in Japan, Esso, literally means “stalled car” when spoken aloud in Japanese. Even Coca-Cola has fallen prey to poor translation; after installing thousands of billboards across Taiwan, Coca-Cola executives learned that the characters used […]

5 Things to Keep in Mind with a Business Website Translation

Given that 75 percent of internet users do not use English as their primary language, web translation can open up huge new markets for businesses. Indeed, web translation often results in a 50-75 percent ROI – and this is only in the first year or so. Since you will see ongoing profits the longer your […]