Recruiting a Qualified Medical Interpreter

As we advertise to recruit qualified medical interpreters, the question we commonly ask is, “Are you bilingual?” Well, this is a start to know if someone speaks another language fluently. However, is this enough to recruit and send someone on a medical appointment? The answer is a resounding “NO!” As Interpreter Operations Manager of Affordable […]

Why Use a Healthcare Interpretation Service

In many professions, effective communication is essential for a successful provider-consumer interaction. Particularly, healthcare providers rely on verbal and nonverbal communication as the primary tool for obtaining patients’ health history. Language and cultural barriers can lead to miscommunication, which can further lead to under- or over-diagnosis and inappropriate treatment. Over the past few decades, the […]

5 Factors Affecting Translation Cost You May Not Know (repost)

The Question: How much will my translation cost? The Answer: It depends! Not all translation projects are created equal. Translation projects can range from simple documents to medical consent forms to localizing entire websites. In general, the following 5 factors play the largest roles in determining the overall price of a translation project: 1.    Language […]

Leading the Nation to Better Health: Interpreting Jobs on the Rise

The interpreting profession for spoken languages has come a long way since it began using volunteers to national certified interpreters of today.  The demand all over the United States for all languages has skyrocketed in the past 10 to 12 years. In the past, interpreter services were provided by volunteers, children and other community members […]