Are you using a website translation service to get your message across the globe?
If you’re doing business globally, or are ready to expand, understanding the international breakdown of web users is key to effectively utilizing a website translator. Studies show that customers are much more likely to conduct business when approached online in their native language.
The good news is that out of the roughly 6,900 languages spoken on our planet, you really only need to focus on these top ten to reach almost 84 percent of the world’s Internet users.
1. English. It’s probably no surprise that English is the most widely used language on the Internet. Estimates range from 478 to 536 million users online today, which is almost a third of the entire global online population. But if your website is already serving these users, what groups should you focus on next?
2. Chinese. The next largest online population is Chinese, with 22 percent of all users comprising a segment ranging from 383 to 444 million. Translating into written Chinese can be quite a challenge if you’re just starting to target this market. You need an experienced business translation service to help you choose the right tools and translators for capturing the nuances of a foreign business language. Avoiding embarrassing or offensive mistakes is imperative for not only gaining these foreign customers, but keeping them. The right website translator is a must.
3. Spanish. While Spanish is the third-highest ranking language, it is less than half as large as the Chinese online group, with an estimate of between 137 and 153 million users, or 8 percent.
4. Japanese. Six percent of web users, or 99 million, speak Japanese.
5. Portuguese. Users preferring Portuguese number from 73 to 82 million, or 4 percent of all online users.
6. German. German is the sixth most common language used online, with a range of 65 to 75 million, or less than 4 percent of the total.
7. Arabic. Once again, the need for an experienced website translator is key when swinging from the Germanic to the Indo-Iranian branch of the language tree. You need more than a special keyboard when tackling Arabic business translations to reach this web user group of 50 to 65 million, or about 3 percent. A seasoned website translation service is essential.
8. French. Estimates for French users vary a bit, and some rankings place it above Arabic. With an estimated range of 59 to 79 million, it isn’t anywhere near the size of Spanish or Japanese web populations, but it could be as high as 4 percent.
9. Russian. A professional website translation service can help you incorporate the most prolific section of the Balto-Slavic language tree branch. Russian users comprise fewer than 3 percent of the total online population, with an estimate of 45 to 59 million users.
10. Korean. It may be a small country, but its online presence is enough to make this list. Korean users make up just over 2 percent of the online population, or 37 to 39 million. It is critical when branching out into this Altaic language that you utilize a business translation service that understands the subtleties of communicating to the Korean-reading online user.
Whether your company wants to expand into Asia, Europe or the Middle East, an experienced web translation service will help you communicate with these top ten markets. Hire a professional business translation company and expand across this wide world web of commerce with confidence.