Corporate Website Translation: By the Numbers

Globalization market research leader Common Sense Advisory recently released an infographic that every business translation service will find fascinating. If you’re 2508285203_1ba475cb63_minterested in expanding your business into overseas markets, perhaps through website translation, you’ll also want to review the amazing statistics contained in this infographic, which we delineate below.

  • The total spending power of all internet users is $50 trillion.
  • To reach 98 percent of people online, you will need to arrange for website translation into 48 different tongues.
  • However, a business translation service can open your business to 80 percent of the world’s online population by translating your site into just 12 languages: Chinese, English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, German, Russian, French, Indonesian, Korean and Italian.
  • Among the world’s internet users, the most commonly used languages are Chinese, English and Japanese.
  • If you’re only interested in spending power among online consumers, you should arrange for website translation into Japanese (10.5 percent of web-based spending power), Spanish (7.8 percent), German (8.4 percent) and French (6.2 percent), assuming your site is already in English, the language of 36.3 percent of online spending.

Overall, the ratio of web users reached by English-only websites is shrinking. In 2009, English reached 48 percent of online consumers; now that number is down to 36 percent. Clearly, those who hope to capture a bigger slice of the international pie should arrange for website translation. If you’d like more information on this report, visit and search for “ROI Lifts the Long Tail of Languages in 2012.” And if you’re looking for a reliable business translation service to take your business to overseas cultures, contact us today.

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